Pesticides: What’s at Stake on the EU Agenda?
Wednesday 16 March, 10:00 – 13:00 CET
The European Environmental Bureau, CCFD Terre-Solidaire and SOS Faim Belgium, with the support of the Greens and the Left in the European Parliament, invite you a discussion around the role of pesticides in the future of our food systems. The conference will be organized with two round tables questioning the role of pesticides, by offering an insight into the economic and societal issues they raise, and which are rarely mentioned in the political debate about the future of our food and agriculture. The event will take place at Residence Palace and online.
9h30 – 10h / Welcome coffee
10h – 10h05 / Foreword – Dr. Marcos A. Orellana, Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights
10h05 – 11h15 / 1st Round table – Choosing the Path for Sustainable Agriculture in the EU
Introduction – Benoît Biteau, Member of the European Parliament, The Greens/EFA
Hidden Costs of Pesticides in the UE – Christophe Alliot, Researcher, BASIC
Comparing Agroecology and Precision Agriculture’s Impacts on Food Sovereignty – Pierre-Marie Aubert, Coordinator for the European Agriculture Initiative, IDDRI
Impacts of Pesticides on EU Farmers – Pier Francesco Pandolfi de Rinaldis, Coordinator of Associazione Rurale Italiana (ARI) of Trentino province, member of ECVC.
The SUD from the Agricultural Worker’s Perspective – Enrico Somaglia, Deputy Secretary General, EFFAT
The SUD and the Green Deal’s Objectives – Eva Corral, Senior Policy Officer on Pesticide and Water Pollution, EEB
Presentations will be followed by a debate with MEPs and Members of the European Commission, and exchanges with the audience
11h15 – 11h45 – Coffee break
11h45 – 12h50 / 2nd Round table – Pesticides impacts Worldwide : what are the Roles and Responsibilities of the EU ?
Introduction – Michèle Rivasi, Member of the European Parliament, The Greens/EFA
Are Pesticides Consistent with an Agroecological Transition in the Global South? – Larissa Bombardi, Professor & Researcher of São Paulo University
Pesticides Impacts in the Global South, Main Challenges for Farmers and Civil Society – Guy Moussele Diseke, Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Pesticide Use and Impact. The Sabon Sake Experience – Audrey S Darko, Founder, Sabon Sake
Food Sovereignty and Pesticides – Famara Diédhiou, Programme Officer West Africa, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
Double Standards and Lobby Pressure on EU Regulations – Nina Holland, researcher at CEO & Carla Hoinkes, Public Eye
Regulating Pesticides Imports and Exports – Maureen Jorand, food sovereignty policy officer, CCFD-Terre Solidaire
Debate with MEPs and exchanges with the audience
12h50 – 13h / Conclusions