Pour une autre PAC partners with other civil society’s movements across Europe for various projects.
- at European level: EU Food Policy Coalition, Good Food Good Farming, ARC2020, European Public Health Alliance, IPES-Food
- in Germany: Wir haben es satt (devoted to citizen mobilization) and another platform (devoted to advocacy) co-chaired by BUND and AbL
- in Spain: Por otra PAC
- in Italy: Cambiamo Agricultura
- in Poland: Koalicja Żywa Ziemia
- in Austria: Wir haben es satt Austria
- in Belgium (Wallonie): Agroecology in Action
- in Belgium (Flanders): Voedsel Anders
- in Luxembourg: Meng Landwirtschaft
- in Lithuania: Aplinkosaugos koalicija
- in Ireland: Environmental Pillar
- in Portugal: REalimentar
- in the Netherlands: Voedsel Anders and Food Transition Coalition
- in Switzerland: Landwirtschaft mit Zukunft
Moreover, some of our members are part of European networks or have a liaison office in Brussels.
- IFOAM Europe
- European Coordination Via Campesina
- Access to Land
- European Agroforestry Federation
- Compassion in World Farming Europe
- Eurogroup for Animals
- Pesticides Action Network Europe
- Europarc Federation
- European Environmental Bureau
- Birdlife
- Greenpeace Europe
- Friends of the Earth Europe
- WWF Europe
- Climate Action Network Europe
- Concord Europe
- World Fair Trade Organization Europe
- Urgenci
- Slow Food Europe